Sekiguchi Momoko – A Droplet of Sand

My dear friend Lumir sent this beautiful dress  to me for the end of year :). I wanted to try it on this girl, she looks kind of medieval to me like this 🙂 (sadly the light was awful to take pictures).

A Droplet of Sand

A Droplet of Sand

Happy new year 🙂 !

Sekiguchi Momoko A Droplet of Sand

I gave her a night long conditioner shampoo and trimmed her hair., it did not make a big change but at least her hair smells soooooo good now :).

I don’t really care anymore, she’s so pretty I can “forget” her bad hair quality.


A Droplet of Sand  A Droplet of Sand


Dress : Jiajia
Stockings : Squish.Tish / Squishtish
Shoes : Momoko